Arusha enlists Kili Marathon runners today

AFTER a huge success in Dar es Salaam, registration of the Kilimanjaro Marathon starts in Arusha today.
The registration process will take place at Kibo Palace Hotel from 2 pm to 5 pm where Arusha residents will get the chance to register and for those who have paid via TigoPesa will simply just collect their participation numbers
. Sponsors of the prestigious event have expressed much optimism in this year’s event as the Kilimanjaro Premium lager Brand Manager, Pamela Kikuli called on Arusha residents to turn out in large numbers today and tomorrow to register.
“This year we have a lot in stock including awarding the first Tanzanian male and female who will complete the 42 km race. They will each get 1m/- which is an addition to the 20m/- price that they are giving the winners,” she said, adding that this will help in ensuring more Tanzanians take part in the full marathon that is sponsored by Kilimanjaro Premium Lager.
The acting Tigo Northern Zone Director, Henry Kinabo said they expect more participants in the Tigo 21 km Half marathon and added that the use of TigoPesa to register has also boosted people’s morale as it is now easy for them.
“We are however, insisting that those using Tigopesa through *149*20# should ensure they pay to confirm their participation so they can be issued with their numbers at any registration point,” he said, adding that this year they will give prizes totaling 11m/- to different winners in the Half Marathon.
Grand Malt Brand Manager, Silvanus Mazula called on the 5km Fun Run participants to turn up in large numbers to register so they can participate in the exciting race that accommodates people of all ages
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