Expedite land survey-Dodoma RC tells municipal officials

DODOMA Regional Commissioner (RC), Dr Binilith Mahenge, has directed municipal land officers here to expedite the processes of land survey to cope with the growing demand of residential houses in the wake of the government’s shift to Dodoma
Dr Mahenge made the directive here at a recent Regional Road Board meeting, noting that the regional authorities were ready to scrounge land officers from other districts to join the municipal land officers in order to speed up the exercise.
“Municipal council should also focus on peripheral areas of the municipality, such as Hombolo and Mpunguzi in its exercise of land survey to expand the town,” said the RC at the meeting.
The Regional Road Board meeting was convened to discuss new projects of road infrastructure as well as to review the report of implication of road infrastructure projects in the previous fiscal year. Dr Mahenge has also directed contractors in Dodoma to consider the impact of climate change while putting up roads infrastructure in the region, pointing out that recent heavy rains have demolished the road infrastructure.
“We’ve witnessed a huge destruction of road infrastructure in the region during the rainy season recently,” he observed. Dr Mahenge informed the meeting that a number of bridges were demolished by rain water during the rainy season, stressing that the contractors should now put up roads infrastructure which will cope with the impact of climate change, including heavy rains and hurricanes.
“Architecture engineers should now design the road infrastructure in a way that they will cope with the impact of climate change,” he said. Meanwhile, Dr Mahenge has directed municipal contractors to closely cooperate with the Tanzania Rural and Urban Road Agency (TARURA) officials while carrying out the projects under the auspices of TARURA.
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