South Korea renews strong ties via varsity

THE United African University of Tanzania (UATU) in Dar es Salaam yesterday introduced the new second term leadership of the institute.
The leaders introduced are Chairperson Lee Choong Won and the Vice Chancellor, Dr Ho Chan Hwang.
The Dar es Salaam City Council Mayor, Mr Isaya Mwita, requested the new leaders of the South Korea university to support the country in the enhancement of Tanzania’s technology, especially at a time when the country is focusing on industrialisation.
The Ambassador of South Korea to Tanzania, Mr Song Geum-Yong, pledged to promote and strengthen the cordial relationship between the two countries as well as support Tanzania’s econonimic development endeavours.
The UAUT Chancellor, Mr Won, Dong Yeon, said the thrust of the institute, which was established in 2010, was to serve as a leading centre of academic and professional excellence, manifesting provision of excellent pragmatic education
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