TCRA launches biometric sim card registration

TANZANIA Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), yesterday, launched a pilot project for biometric sim card registration that is set to involve six regions.
TCRA Director General, Eng James Malaba said during the launch that the six regions to be involved in the pilot study include Iringa, Tanga, Singida, Coast, Dar es Salaam and ‘Mjini Magharibi’ in the Isles.
He said the system will help to reduce cybercrime incidents through cellular phones, as well as acquiring the right number of mobile phone users when setting plans for developing the communication sector.
Commenting on the development of the sector, Eng Malaba said so far there are 22 million registered sim cards across the country. He said through the project, the system will grant more trust among customers to continue using mobile money services and helping service providers to offer services to genuine customers.
Ms Kitolina Kappa, who represented the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Work, Transport and Communication, said TCRA has succeeded in coming up with a modern system that will help to strengthen the communication sector and enable it contribute largely to the country’s economy.
“As we all know, there are some people who are using the loophole in the current analogue sim card registration to commit crimes; TCRA has come up with a lasting solution to this problem,” she said
. The occasion attracted various communication stakeholders including eight cellular phone companies and National Identification Authority (NIDA). Eng Malaba said the new system will need the registered person to have a national identity card, driving licence or passport.
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