TZ golf team for All Africa Junior Challenge

NATIONAL junior golf team will travel to Morocco this Saturday to compete in All Africa Junior Golf Challenge.
Tanzania Golf Union (TGU) Chairman, Joseph Tango told the ‘Daily News’ in Dar es Salaam yesterday that all players are in good health ready for the continental level championship that starts on March 6 to 8 and ends set to ten off from 6-8 March this year.
Tango said that preparation for the trip is finalised and juniors are well prepared for the same. The team is made up of experienced Jay Nathwani, Manraj Singh, Alilaza Kermalli and Garv Chadha - all from Arusha Gymkhana Club (AGC) - while Isihaka Daudi is from Tanzania People’s Defence Forces (TPDF) Lugalo Golf Club of Dar es Salaam.
“All players are in good health after several months off camp training since all of them are at school,” said Tango. He said that the team will bank on experienced youngster Nathwani who is currently studying at a golf academy in South Africa.
Tango said Nathwani is expected to jet in today to join other players ready for the trip. Nathwani experience likely to help the team sparkle at event.
He participated and excelled in the global U-16 Junior Open championship held in Scotland in 2016 and also made it at the Region 4 Africa Golf Challenge Trophy that finished second at the Dar es Salaam Gymkhana Club in 2017.
Tango said that three players and a reserve will make it to the team, but they have decided to send five golfers as to give them experience of the bigger tournament
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