VSLA’s groups formed to fight child labour

ABOUT 10 Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) groups and 191 Women Agri-business Group (WAG) members have been trained on VSLA concept, business management skills, entrepreneurship and agribusiness skills, thanks to the Achieving Reduction of Child Labour in Support of Education (ARISE) programme.
ARISE programme introduced the VSLA in tobacco farming communities to enable them keep their children out of labour and pay for their school needs.
ARISE programme is supported by Japan Tobacco International (JIT) in collaboration with ILO and Winrock International in the war against child labour in Tabora region.
Speaking in Tabora region recently, Winrock International ARISE Programme Director, Magawa Abdallah said that VSLA has currently been introduced in Chali in Uyui district, Itebulanda in Urambo and Ikonongo in Kaliua district communities.
He said that they will soon introduce VSLA in other communities of Usindi in Kaliua and Motomoto in Urambo district. “We have empowered 12 village agents who are Community Based Trainers who were trained on VSLA methodology and are now providing assistance to VSLA members,” he said. He added: “
10 VSLA groups have been trained on agribusiness, financial management and entrepreneurship skills with 191 women on board out of 214 identified from WAG women.”
One of the beneficiaries of ARISE programme on VSLA, Asha Mrisho from Tupendane Group in Uyui district said through VSLA, she can now lend money from the group and help her children to buy school uniforms, which has rescued them from child labour in tobacco farms. “
The lending ability in our Tupendane group is from 25,000/- to 240,000/- and a member can lend money according to what he or she has generated,” she said. She further said that their group has also introduced income generating activities such as soap selling in efforts of improving their income collections. Sara Kalunga, one of the leaders of Upendo Group,
said that their group which was formed in May last year, has 22 members with collections of 1.29m/- until last week. “Group members can have access of buying one stock worth 1000/- and he or she can buy not more than 5 stocks per week.
We always meet once a week.” Kalunga further said that their VSLA group has helped them to get unconditional loans which help them to improve their lifestyles or in starting new businesses that assist them to cater for the needs of their children, hence reducing child labour activities.
On his part, Simon Nyanda, one of the leaders of Mkombozi Group in Uyui, said that their collections have currently reached 2.3m/- and so far about 19 members out of 23 have secured loans
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