Minister pleads for more peace and tranquility

TANZANIANS have been urged to make sure they maintain solidarity, which will help strengthen peace and tranquility of the country.
The plea was made here recently by the Minister for Home Affairs, Dr Mwigulu Nchemba during an occasion to raise funds for the construction of a church building at the Makasa Parish at the Diocese of Pare of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT). “Bad incidents have been occurring in recent times, which have led to serious debate among Tanzanians to the extent of dividing the citizens.
Tanzanians should refuse this to save our country from chaos,” he said. He added: “Despite our religious and tribal differences, we Tanzanians are accustomed to living peacefully and in harmony, but there are signs of people who do not like this, instead they want to divide us. Now that we are all aware of their dirty tricks, then let us join hands to maintain our peace,” noted Dr Nchemba.
The minister said that after failing to divide Tanzanians on their religious grounds and ethnicity with the intention of ruining the country, the perpetrators have now decided to distinguish Tanzanians on their political ideologies, which he said Tanzanians should refuse and avoid being used as agents of their own downfall.
Dr Nchemba urged the head of the Pare Diocese of the ELCT and its worshipers to continue praying for the national leaders so that they continue to gain wisdom to make them serve the country well while at the same time observing peace, justice and equity for all Tanzanians.
Speaking during the occasion, the Head of Pare Diocese of the ELCT, Bishop Charles Mjema, said the diocese’s leadership together with the believers were ready to pray for the country’s national leaders, urging the government to make sure it deals with various incidents that threaten peace of the country. “We call upon our leaders to monitor these incidents and investigate them seriously, so that they can be stopped immediately for the sake of our national peace and unity,” he said.
Same District Commissioner (DC), Ms Rosemary Senyamule, reminded the residents of Makasa to abstain from cultivating khat (mirungi), warning that apart from being arrested and arraigned in court for violating the laws of the land, the government will also confiscate their farms. During the fund rising which was accompanied by tree planting exercise to improve the environment, Dr Nchemba donated 2m/- and 100 bags of cement for the construction.
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